Saturday, November 17, 2012

How to CUT, COPY, PASTE -the Easy Way

 Nothing can benefit a computer user more than knowing how to efficiently use the  CUT, COPY, & PASTE features.  It saves you time and cuts down on typing errors.  Material can be moved within a document, between documents in the same application, and between applications.  You may want to copy parts of a Web page and paste it into a Word document as a quote or to assemble portions of multiple web pages into one word document for printing.  You can use these features in your emails as well.  Once you see how easy it is you will find all kinds of ways you can use the commands.

The first thing you need to learn is how to highlight text. Most everyone uses the old "drag the mouse" method and that's fine but there is an easier way.

Click one time before the first word of what you want to highlight.  Then hold the shift key as you click on the last word want to highlight.  When the shift key is released, PRESTO, your text is highlighted.  Alternately if you want to highlight a whole paragraph, hold down your Ctrl key and click anywhere in the paragraph.  The whole paragraph gets highlighted.

With your mouse pointer anywhere within the highlighted area, right click with your mouse.  This brings up a command window. From within this window select which ever command you want to perform. If you want to remove the text from its present location and move it to some other location you would choose CUT.  If you want to leave the text where it is and just want to insert a copy of it elsewhere you would select COPY.

Then go to the document, email, or other application where you want to put the text, position your cursor, right click, and select PASTE.

You can also highlight text and hit your DELETE key to erase text.
If you are uncomfortable using your right click context menu you can also find the cut, copy, and paste commands in your EDIT menu at the top of each page.



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